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JUNG lifting and transport systems

Innovative solutions for the transport of heavy loads! 

For over 50 years JUNG Hebe- und Transporttechnik GmbH in Waiblingen have been developing and manufacturing lifting and transport systems, such as transport trolleys and hydraulic machine lifts. Our customers are industrial companies, machine manufacturers and heavy haulage companies. We stand for professionalism, quality, innovative concepts and reliability. Since 1993 we also distribute our products worldwide.



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Information on the company Jung Hebetechnik


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Die Firma Pro-tech Kunststofftechnologie steht als inhabergeführtes Unternehmen nunmehr seit 20 Jahren für Qualität und Leistung. Mit einem hochqualifizierten und engagierten Team beschäftigen wir uns mit dem Entladen und Einbringen von Spritzgießmaschinen. Unser Service umfasst genauso die Reparatur/Montage und die komplette Verlagerung dieser Maschinen europaweit.

Seit vielen Jahren setzen wir die Produkte der Firma Jung Hebetechnik ein. Dies sind vor allem hydraulische Hebevorrichtungen und Transportfahrwerke bis 120 to. Besonders hilfreich ist hier für uns das Synchron - Druckwerk JD 80. Als spezielles „Highlight“ haben wir das elektrische Transportfahrwerk JLA-e 15/30 im Einsatz. Meine Techniker und Kunden sind derart begeistert, dass ich mich entschlossen habe, ein zweites Gerät einzusetzen. Die hohe Qualität, die Liefertreue und die Fachkompetenz der Firma Jung sind für mich ausschlaggebend. Ich freue mich auf viele weitere Jahre der Zusammenarbeit.

Andreas Kern

GF, Pro-tech Kunststofftechnologie GmbH, Neustadt

Die Überprüfung von unseren Maschinenhebern wurde sehr sorgfältig durchgeführt. Defekte Teile wurden ausgetauscht und es gab keine lange Wartezeit. Das Personal war sehr freundlich. Mit dem Preis-/ Leistungsverhältnis sind wir sehr zufrieden.

Martin Heubach

Gebr. Märklin & Cie. GmbH, Deutschland

Das Hebegeräte haben wir bei Anlieferung sogleich einem Anwendungstest unterzogen und ein Raummodul von ca. 6,0 x 3,6 x 3,4 m in der Halle und von dort in den Außenbereich transportiert. Die Anwendung war problemlos, sicher und führte zu dem erwarteten Ergebnis. Ein sehr gutes Produkt aus Ihrem Unternehmen!

Ing. D. Kareitis

GF Ib-Holztechnik GmbH, Deutschland

“The Jung products are of the highest quality you can find in the market. Our professional customers need the reliability of their equipment and their professional look when moving the costly inventorie of their customers production plants. When design meets technology, you recognize the workmanship of the producer”.

Guido van Rhee

Hypower, Netherlands


About us

Founded in 1972 by company owner Karl-Heinz Jung, the company was soon on Expanding. The good order situation led to the fact that in 1982 its own company building in Waiblingen-Bernstein could be obtained. As economic growth continued, the Expanded in two stages and in 2001 a warehouse was added. In 2009, the company building was completely redesigned in order to be able to optimize production technology processes and thus better serve customers. Warehousing, final assembly and shipping were spatially aligned with the internal work flow and the necessary transport technology was adjusted accordingly. After completion of the restructuring, considerable synergetic or cost-optimizing effects could be achieved within the operational value chain.

Prefabricated parts have since been assembled in a short path. As a rule, we have extensive stock for a large number of our series products. In most cases, the products are therefore available within a short time. Our work is characterized by a high sense of responsibility and quality as well as the pursuit of customer satisfaction, which finds its expression among other things in the use of high-quality materials as well as in a special focus on safety aspects in the work process.

What can JUNG do for you

Our ISO 9001 quality certified company produces high performance solutions for internal logistics tasks and has to cope with specific requirements in the field Specializing in heavy goods transport and lifting technology. Modern hydraulic machine lifts as well as other lifting devices and lifting systems facilitate the internal work process, innovative transport trolleys and transport technology systems are valuable helpers in the daily routine. For the Short-term demand planning, all devices can also be rented.

Our products

  • Hydraulic lifting equipment and pumps
    Our versatile hydraulic machine lifters, compact lifting systems and hydraulic-, electric- and hand-pumps have become indispensable in the field of heavy-load transports. Suitable accessories such as hoses or a manometer for the machine lifter can be ordered at the same time.
  • Synchronous pressure blocks
    Innovative JUNG pressure blocks reduce the safety and workload associated with lifting processes by providing effective, synchronized and safe lifting and lowering on heavy loads. Our model JD 40 is equipped with a safety pressure switch that can be controlled remotely at the touch of a button and can be combined with any of the JUNG lifting systems.
  • Transport trolleys and electric-powered trolleys
    Whether manually controlled or self-propelled, whether revolving trolleys, multi-purpose trolleys  or tandem chassis, we offer in the area of ​​transport trolleys a large selection of high-quality steering and chassis systems to enable a smooth in-house transport.
  • Hydro-transporter
    With us you will find professional hydro-transporters that are optimal for transportation of large-volume and bulky loads. Constructed compact and agile, our Hydro-transporters are perfectly integrated into your logistics workflow.
  • Customer solutions
    For special transport or lifting tasks, our specialists provide on request cost-effective and innovative customer solutions.
  • Galvanizing of equipment
    We also coat equipment such as machine jacks or transport trolleys with a high-quality galvanizing prior to sale. The associated solvent-resistant surface protection and increased corrosion resistance make applications in sensitive areas (e. g. laboratories, clean rooms, etc. ) possible without having to fear damage, such as flaking of the top coat.
  • Load securing
    Our range of accessories includes load securing aids, such as forklift clamps with tie down straps, sturdy armored swivel castors and forklift turntables for precise maneuvering. The range is rounded off by our forklift hitch model JRH 3, which is characterized above all by its easy maneuverability. All JUNG manoeuvring aids as well as the individual load securing components are suitable for our transport trolleys and hydraulic jacks and can be combined with all common fork lift trucks.

Contact us!

If you value the quality, functionality and robustness of transport and lifting technology products, you should make use of the transport supporting machines and systems from JUNG Hebe und Transporttechnik GmbH. Take the opportunity to expand your machine park and order our high-quality machine jacks and transport trolleys today! Any questions? Just give us a call or send us an email, we are always there for you!



+49 7151 303930